
sxpicUnderstanding Your Pet's Surgery

If the idea of your pet having surgery makes you nervous, you're not alone. People frequently have questions about the procedure itself, the safety of the anesthesia, and how their pet will be afterwards. We want you to feel confident that your pet's safety is our top priority.

Some of the procedures that we offer include (but are certainly not limited to):

  • Spay/Neuter
  • Dewclaw removal
  • Mass/Growth Removals
  • Cystotomy
  • Abdominal Exploratory
  • Foreign Body Removal
  • Laceration/Wound Repair

If you have any questions about a specific surgical procedure, please contact us. Specific questions will require a physical exam for your pet if we have not yet become acquainted with them or their surgical need.

What to Expect

From spays and neuters, to mass removals, or other surgical procedures, Nash Animal Hospital has your pet's surgical needs covered. We strive to keep your pet safe and comfortable. We will thoroughly discuss your pet's procedure with you prior to the surgery and answer any questions you may have. For more advanced procedures, we can refer you to a board certified surgeon.

All patients will receive pre-anesthetic lab work and a customized anesthetic plan, including monitoring and pain management. In addition, we utilize radiowave surgical technique to minimize your pet's discomfort and maximize their healing. All pets are directly monitored. They will also have an intravenous catheter so that we can safely administer their anesthetic medications and keep them hydrated with fluids during their surgery.

Once they are out of surgery, they will recover in one of our heated recovery kennels and be monitored closely until they are fully awake. Most pets will go home the same day and we will personally explain their specific after-care needs, including pain medications, diet instructions, incision care, issues of concern, and when to schedule a followup appointment. We will take the time to answer any questions, and will also call the following day in case you have any concerns once they are home.